The FlyBuy merchant portal will allow individual stores to customize and tailor the customer experience to best suit your brand.
To set up or edit a site, click and then click View Sites
In the top right corner, click to add a new site to the Project
To Edit Site, Click on Site Name or search for site in list of sites already added to the Project, once open, click in the top right corner of the page
- Specifies a unique name to a store (or unit). (e.g. District Taco Rosslyn)
- The phone number of the site
- Internal number used to identify specific store
- Street view of actual store front
- Description of the site to help users identify the site
- Instructions on how the customer should navigate the pickup area or parking lot (available parking located in front of restaurant entrance)
- The status of the customer’s arrival once their ETA is less than the set amount of minutes away from the site premise (The default setting is 5 minutes)
- Number of minutes prior to pickup time that order created SMS is sent (Thank you for your order, click the link below to let us know you’re on your way!)
- Number of minutes reminder text is sent to customer before their pickup time
- The number of seconds prior to the customer's estimated arrival that the "pre-arrival" event should be triggered. This event can be used to alert the crew to bag the order and be ready to walk it out
- Certain order items or type of order (DSP) will trigger Tags to appear in order information
- The number of seconds after the customer has been waiting that the "postarrival" event should be triggered (if the order hasn't yet been completed). This event triggers the "post-arrival" notification to message the customer and provide further instructions if needed
- Draw premise surrounding site location
- Input the accurate store address that will drive the location of the store
- Select the Time Zone that specific site is in
- There are three modes:
- Don’t send text notifications automatically: The Default setting and already checked during site set up
- Automatically send text notifications for all orders: Enabled after site set up, to go live with real customers
- Only send text notifications for certain phone numbers: Enabled after site set up, for testing before going live
- Allows adding notification alerts to the crew via Phone Number or Pager Address. Crew devices will get alerts for the pre-arrival and arrival events
- Activate a new device and dashboard for team to utilize
Final Step: Click update site to save changes or complete setting up new location